Abalandeli Benguqu Bakhangelele Imidlalo yeWorld Cup 2016

Germany's goalkeeper Manuel Neuer winner of the golden glove award for best goalkeeper stands alongside golden ball winner Argentina's Lionel Messi after the World Cup final soccer match between Germany and Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 13, 20

Germany's goalkeeper Manuel Neuer winner of the golden glove award for best goalkeeper stands alongside golden ball winner Argentina's Lionel Messi after the World Cup final soccer match between Germany and Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 13, 20

Imidlalo yenguqu eyenkezo yamazwe womhlaba eye World Cup igqitshwe ngempelasonto kwele Brazil abalandeli benguqu sebekhangelele elandelayo ngomnyaka ka 2018 ezakwenzelwa kwele Russia.

Lanxa kungathandabuzwa ukuba ele Germany eliyilo eliphakamise inkezo le lidlale kuhle ngakhoke bekufanele ukuthi liyithole, abalandeli abanengi basale bezibuza ukuba ukuphiwa isicoco somdlali odlale kuhle emicintiswaneni lo, uLionnel Messi bekufanele na.

Omunye othole isicoco ngunozinti we Argentina Manuel Neuer.

UChris Gande weStudio Seven uxoxe lomlandeli womdlalo wenguqu, uCassius Jayz Simana Mpofu ukuze sizwe imbono yakhe ngaloludaba.

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Ingxoxo loCassius Jayz Simana Mpofu