Mnangagwa: Sengidlale Indima Enkulu Ekuhlonipheni Amalungelo Oluntu

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Umongameli Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Umnangagwa wethule amazwi la izolo emhlanganweni weUnited Nations obubhekane lokuhlonitshwa kwamalungelo owe13th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.

UMongameli Emmerson Mnangagwa uthi uhulumende wakhe usedlale indima enkulu ekuhlonipheni lekulondolozweni amalungelo oluntu, ikakhulu awemihlobo elabantu abalutshwana, ama-minorities ngesingisi.

Umnangagwa wethule amazwi la izolo emhlanganweni weUnited Nations obubhekane lokuhlonitshwa kwamalungelo owe13th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.

Namuhla uMnangagwa ukhangelelwe ukwethula amazwi emhlanganweni omkhulu oweUN General Assembly. Sibuze ohlaziya ezombusazwe uMnu Difa Dube ukuthi uthini ngamazwi kaMnangagwa awethule izolo.

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